Friday, February 26, 2010


These past days have been CRAZY. Carnaval is a mess that is all i have to say. pretty much a majority of our investigators were travelling. well a majority of the people in Bebedouro were traveling or drunk in the street. I will give you all an image to relate to what carnaval is.

So a bunch of people buy a shirt to be in a certain "block" and then they follow a a truck with a banner dancing to really really loud music and on some of the trucks they have men spraying everyone with water. I dont know why but it seems like with carnaval it is the same 3 or 4 songs over and over again for 4 days straight. Most of the time members of the church go to some sort of conference for the weekend or travel because it is pretty crazy. Yesterday I watched this party in the middle of the day from my bedroom window. Then what was really funny was when a church really close to wear i live, i think they are kind of fanatical (ie a majority of the people shaved their heads a few weeks back as part of their worship) started their own little parade with loud speakers and people singing gospel songs, carrying a large banner that said, Repent ye, Jesus is returning. And they competed with the carnaval partiers for a good 15-20 minutes until the police arrived. Crazy.

BUT we were able to work. Sunday Sister Murbaki was sick so I went on a division with a member from the ward. I taught 4 lessons and made over 30 contacts! The member carine helped a lot, I am so blessed to work in a ward where the members really love to help the missionaries. It was great, yes a lot of the people were drunk, but we met a lot of really amazing people too. I have come to realize that it is a lot easier to give our message to people living more humbly than the people who are living more comfortably. Needless to say, I learned a lot.

Sunday Presidente Beynon and Sister Beynon came to our church. By the way, I love those wonderful people. He gave both me and sister Murbaki a blessing. In the blessing he said he felt impressed to say a few words about me concerning the work. These words were exactly the words i needed to hear. Needless to say, this work is still very intimidating. I still have days where i feel like i cant speak or that when i can i dont say the right words. The blessing confirmed to me that my Heavenly Father is VERY aware of my feelings and concerns and that He loves me and He is happy with me. Knowing this i feel like i can conquer the world literally. I am so grateful for the Beynons, such wonderful and loving examples to me. What a priviledge to serve in this part of the world with them!

So Thursday we taugh Andre and Andrea the plan of Salvation. Andre is a ten year old boy who seems much older and is ready for baptism, but we are waiting to baptize him with Andrea, his mom. Andrea has a little bit harder of a life. She is a very good and awesome person, but she has a lot of problems and sometimes she is so worried about her life that it is hard for her to understand and learn what we are teaching. So we taught the plan of salvation, a lesson that is hard to teach and for most people even harder to understand, but we prayed and Andrea understood so much more than i expected. There was one part when we were explaining about Jesus Christ and His atonement. Sister Murbaki gave an example if Andre was infront of train and Andrea pushed him out of the way to save him, even if she herself would die. Andre looked straight at us before we said anything and said, "that is what Jesus Christ did for us, isnt it?" The feeling of the spirit was almost indescribable. Everyone learned from that lesson. Andre, being the intelligent 10 year old he is pretty much understood it all, and Andrea recognized that she needed to make some changes in her life. This lesson was so peaceful. I know in anyother circumstance this lesson wouldnt be understood, but the Spirit makes up for everything. Amazing.

I love this work. I am happy. I guess you could say i live the good life, even if it is so hot sometimes that i feel like i am melting.

As always,

proud to wear the tag,

Sister Jessica Ruth Peterson


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