Saturday, July 17, 2010


Hey family. Yesterday a man went to hug me and kiss me on the cheek (its a normal cultural thing) before i could stop him. I turned bright red and my whole body froze. If i wasnt already, i am totally a missionary. It was so awkard but the guy felt super awkward when he went to do it to my comp and she gave him the handshake and toldhim missionaries cant do that. bahahaha.

They had a festa Juninha or Julinha because it was in July to celebrate all those crazy holidays i already spoke about. Lots of corn products and people in ugly dresses of plaid that dont match and dancing. Brasil is Beautiful that way.
So this last week wasfull of awesome moments that i know i didnt deserve. For some reason we were in a strange funk and the work just wasnt coming. A week to look at and realize man i need to improve.
We are working with a woman that is so incredibly in tune with everything we are teaching, Clilda. We were talking about the chapel and my companion mentioned the temple. Right away Clilda said, I am going to go there. I will prepare and I am going. We then explained more about it how you have to have a recommendation etc. She got really excited and said that at one year of a member she is going to go. Then out of nowhere she asked, Do they do baptisms there? awesome.
Her daughter Luciene or Wyky was baptized Saturday. She is so rad. She is a little rocker with a powerhouse testimony and good brains. We taught a lesson with her, when she bore testimony wow all i can say is i am a little bit proud to say that she is one of my recent converts.
Marcio is rocking it. That man is so humble and so ready. He walked into church the first time and the first thing he said was WOW but in portuguese. One of my favorite parts of being a misisonary is when you see people feeling and seeing for the first time. Especially with Marcio, he has never felt anything like the gospel before. He loves us. He is always thanking us. We taught him sunday after church. He said that he hadnt prayed about the BOM so we recommitted him to read it. That night he called us at 930, he was so excited. He prayed. He received a response. He was so excited he had to tell us. His lifes story is sad, someone who had it all and then one day lost it all, but he says that it wasnt an accident that we talked to him on that park bench that day.
i feel very attached to this area, Soledade. next week we have transfers, I will go where the Lord wants me to but man i want to stay a little longer. So i have been reading D&C with the mission for the past few weeks. POWER. wanna know what personal revelation is in print. i love D&C i always had a hard time connecting with it like i do The Book of Mormon and the New Testament but man i love it. The next thing i will tackle- Theold testament....opah.
Yeah so life is good. I am happy. We had interviews with President. He told me of the confidence he has in me and what I am doing, i realize very much that i need to be better and work harder to be worthy of that trust that he and Heavenly Father have in me.
love you alllllllll.
proud to wear the tag,
Sister Peterson

PS Happy birthday to everyone that i missed your birthday! AKA all of Karas kids.

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