Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Crazy by night‏

So one of my favorite things in the world is when brasillieros try to speak english or say things in english. all transfer S. Zorzo would say, Yeah baby yeah. yes...no...maybe., and YOU ARE CRAZY. well my new companion arrived yesterday, Sister Souza and she likes to say CRAZY BY NIGHT. I dont get it but it cracks me up anyways.

So this week was great and heartbreaking. Great because two people we worked with a TON this transfer were baptized Saturday, Gisele a 15 year old that is very mature for her age and Macssuel, in short i would say he is a brasilleiro version of Huckleberry Finn. I love baptisms, the spirit is always very strong and it is always a great feeling to see people take that first step towards eternal happiness.

Heartbreaking because, as we expected, Klisleides mom showed up on our doorstep again about 2 hours before her baptism was scheduled. She wanted us to make up an excuse to tell klisleide for why she couldnt be baptized. Well there is absolutely no reason this girl should NOT be baptized. Probably one of the most solid and excited people ihave taught in my whole mission. We explained that we respect her wishes, but that she needs to talk to her daughter if she is against the baptism that our role is not to lie or invent excuses. She called off the baptism. Klisleide came to talk to us, her heartbroken. She said that one day she will be baptized for sure just not now. This is on the list of things not to do to your kids. I was feeling so sad for her. But she will continue to go to church and learning, she just has to wait until her parents consent or until july when she will be old enough.

Sunday when Giseli was confirmed, i could tell what klisleide was feeling because the look on her face. I wanted to bad to help her to make her feel better but words cant really cut it. Then the picture of my little sister lindsey popped into my head. For the first time i realized that their stories are very similiar. Two rockstars that could be baptized at any moment if their parents agreed with it. I showed her picture to klisleide and explained how Lindsey also has been waiting to be baptized for awhile also. Klisleide smiled and was excited to see the pictures i have of my family. I wish i had more...hint hint...but i know that my little sisters example did and will continue to help klisleide.

So i carry around the pictures of my family to show everyone because everyone thinks americans are so beautiful and always ask about my family. When i show them it is always the same. oh! tão linda sua familia! oh how beautiful your family is. and then olha, eles são gordos! look how fat they are. Ha ha. i love how people just call other people fat. it is a normal thing here. i cant count how often i am called fortinha or gordinha. they think people gordinha are beautiful. so we are beautiful and fat. hahaha.

oh and grandma, everyone thinks you are so beautiful. You are. Every time they see my photos they always look at yours a little longer and tell me how beautiful and adorable you are.

Friday i went to lunch and the irmão there said Hi sister zorzo and...i guess it is Irmã Peterson today... I looked down. I had forgotten my missionary tag. I know it is psychological but i felt so strange after that we didnt have time to go back home and get it so all day i just felt this weird feeling. the one thing that distinguishes me from being a tourist. the one thing that literally states that I am an authorized representative of Cristo. I think this week i realized how much my missionary tag means to me.

Proud to wear this tag,

sister J Peterson

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