Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Christmas and ano novo!‏

My amazing family,
Wow! what a week. Christmas was great. Talking to you all was AMAZING. I am just seeing how much the Lord is blessing me. How much he is blessing our family and how blessed i am to have such wonderful friends and family.
For Christmas a we and a few other missionaries sang christmas songs and brought toys for little kids at the hospital. I felt the pure love of Christ in every word I sang. I saw it enter into hearts of these families and men and women that are truly experiencing hard times. This was the best Christmas of my life I understand what Christmas means now. I think for the first time in my life. I served. I was more concerned about others than myself and what I was needing or what I was getting. I taught about what it means and I felt the Spirit testify that the small child who was born in a manger, the man that taught on the mount, and that same man who died on the cross truly is the Savior of the world. I felt it in every Christmas song I sang, in every prayer I offered, and in every testimony that I bore. Jesus truly is the Christ, Savior and Redeemer of the world.
I know that he lived a perfect life to show me the way. I know that through that example and his sacrifice I can be saved from all of the stupid little things (and big things) that keep me from becoming like my Father. I know that this is His work. I know that I have a perfect example of how to do this work through the scriptures. I know that the scriptures and words of living prophets are here to guide us in every situation. I love this work.
Sorry this is so short but i am happy and i love you all.
Happy new year this week!!
Proud to wear His name next to mine,
Sister Peterson

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