Wednesday, August 20, 2008

My very first blog

I would like to pretend that i'm a girl that has something to say. I may not have to pretend that i have something to say, but perhaps i just have to pretend that what i am saying is worth writing. In Caesars time they actually listened to the poets. The poets were wise people. Now, writing is more critically viewed. Maybe it's because the people have gotten smarter...or the poets just became stupider (word?).
What i have to say may be unappealing to many, but i'll write because i love to do it. It is my passion, a driving force in my life. People may think it is a waste of time, and perhaps it is; however, i look at this passionless world of people just living to breathe and i can honestly say i have one up on the average joe in his average world and average job. I have passions and i think that is what separates me from most of the world.

So i'll write about my life. My opinions. My job. and pretty much anything else i can think to share. Keep you up to date with the life and times of a girl called JP.

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