Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Didnt you tell him they were the Lords chips?

Dear people that i love:

if my week had to be summed up into one word it would be: INTENSE

It has been a very trying week this week, filled with discouragement, laughter, and a lot of Portuguese.

As far as I have seen and I walk around this area a lot, I am the only white person. I am learning so much about this culture and i like it. I kind of feel like all social norms i have learned in the past 21 years of life are out the window. The personal space thing is non existent almost, I havent been kissed on the cheek so many times in my life. One night I tried making a contact and Sis Murbaki didnt notice and kept walking so i went to shake this brasilleiros hand and he pulled me in and lay a big one on my cheek. We were teaching a lesson in one of the houses and the lady~s neighbor came over, saw me, and within seconds my head was burrowed in the chest of a 50 year old brasilliera who i had never spoken to in my life. Ive also learned that if you are at a persons house and they ask you if you would like juice or something to drink, really it means that they are going to make you dinner and you should probably get seconds, with every meal you should probably get seconds.

I get really discouraged about the language, but one thing that is really nice is brasilians love love love to talk. So i can get by pretty good with smiling nodding saying sim and poís é. They just keep talking to me and i just keep smiling.

Sunday night we were walking home at abouty 8:40 at night, 20 minutes before we needed to be home and i was walking about 5 steps behind sister Murbaki (the sidewalks are kinda weird and unpredictable so i usually walk behind her) All of a sudden i was really paranoid and then i heard some footsteps behind me. i stepped to the side a little and i saw a skinny dark brasillian man, barefoot run past me. He went up to sister murbaki and pulled her bag over her head. It happened so fast! Then he ran across the street and i kid you not, jumped up and pulled himself over a wall and was gone. It was insane!Sis. Murbaki was very upset and I was scared, really scared id never experienced this before, but part of me wanted to start laughing hysterically. The guy totally reminded me of the guy off nacho libre, nachos fighting companion the one who only believes in science, when he stole the chips and jumped over the wall. I really wanted to say: Didnt you tell him it was the Lords bolsa? but i didnt because i didnt know how to say it in portuguese and sis. Murbaki has never seen that movie. Needless to say hilarious and scary and awesome. There wasnt really anything of worth in it only our cell phone and her perscription sunglasses and 3 reais. In it though was her planner that had all of our contacts addresses, all of our work for the past week pretty much gone, but we have faith that we will be able to find those people we contacted and all will be good.

Needless to say, this past week is proving this experience to be one of the most intimidating experiences. However, when I am discouraged, HF always reminds me of why I am here and I am reminded that this work is happiness or as Sis. Murbaki says Missão é a festa! Sometimes that comes in the form of a scripture or a quote i~ve heard. Most often it comes in the form of a little brazillian smile. Whenever im stressed if i smile at a child here, 98% guaranteed I will get the most heartwarming smile a girl could as for in return. I love these people.

One quote that one of the sisters in the CTM gave me helps me a lot and i believe it can apply to life in general and any problem you face:

INVICITUS by William Ernest Henley

Out of the night that covers me,
Black as the Pit from pole to pole,
I thank whatever gods may be
For my unconquerable soul.

In the fell clutch of circumstance
I have not winced nor cried aloud.
Under the bludgeoning of chance.
My head is bloody, but unbowed.
Beyond this place of wrath and tears
Looms but the Horror of the shade,
and yet the menace of the years
Finds, and shall find me, unafraid.

It matters not how strait the gate,
How charged with punishments the scroll
I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.
I realize i always have a choice, i have a choice to be upset after Sis Murbaki has repeated herself and i still dont understand what she is saying, or I can relax and try harder. I have a choice to be angry when some punk literally disrupts a full week of work, or i can laugh because he looks like the guy from nacho libre. In all things I know that Heavenly father is mindful of me. He knows me and He understands EVERYTHING that Im struggling with. In Alma 26:36 Ammon explains this point that in all things God is mindful of us, Wanderers in a strange land. If that is not me I dont know what is. I know why i am here and i know this is where i should be. Heavenly Father is helping me EVERY DAY to become the woman i would like to be and right now im being molded and sometimes its frustrating, but one day i will speak portuguese and understand what all this is for.
Thank you so much everyone who sent me emails this week! they always help. Thank you all for your support, know that you are in my prayers and that i love you all very much.
Proud to wear the tag.
Sister Jessica Ruth Peterson

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