Sunday, September 12, 2010

whoot whoot

Dear Family

So Campos and I are staying here in Sergipe. Can you believe it. I will stay here for 6 months. I love Sergipe. Truly I feel like I am Sergipana.

I dont have a ton of time so I will be brief with the news.

1st: KLISLEIDE WILL BE BAPTIZED!!! Finally her parents will let her! I almost cried. Heavenly Father is so good to let me stay one more so I could at least be a part of her baptism. Klisleide truly is a miracle in my missoin and I am so grateful to be a part of her conversion in the church.

We received a few referalls! for every 140 people we contact the likelihood is 1 person will be baptized (stats of our mish) but for every 2 referals that is one baptism. The problem is that its easier said than done... Edivaldo. A 30 year old man who truly needs the gospel. His life is a bit of a sad story but I know we are here to help him change that. He has been to church twice and has a baptismal date.

This week was very difficult for me. Heavenly Father helped me "acordar do sonho da morte." I realized that my prayers were not as sincere as they need to be. That I have not been as sincere as I need to be. I realized that really I could give a whole lot more than I was giving. This fact kills me. My companion shared a message in one of our lessons about the Good samaritan that I hadnt thought about. In our lives we are often the Israelite. Broken and beaten spiritually by the wayside. But Christ, he comes through and has "compassion on us." Through His sacrifce-symbolically the oil to ease the pain and the wine to purify the wonds-He cleans and treats our wounds. Through His blood we are healed. As the samaritan payed for the innkeeper to care for the Israelite, Christ already payed and promises to always pay the rest. Truly the Atonement is the center of our religion. I am realizing how short amount of time I have to be a missionary. I am not perfect but I know I can be perfected through my Savior. Through His sacrifice I am made whole. I know He lives an that He loves me. I know that I love Him too.

Honored to wear the tag,

Sister Peterson

PS Happy Birthday LINDSEY!!! I love you!

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