Saturday, January 15, 2011

Nordeste, eu te amo‏

Minha amada família!
How is everyone? I got a lot of emails this week, if i dont have time to respond this week just wait for next week.
Another week flew by in the best mission in the world! WHOOOOOOEY. We are working so hard and we are focusing on using more the members here. Let me tell you it is a blast.
This week we found an amazing family. We were making visits with a member and she stopped to talk to one of the little boys she tutors. We took the chance to make a contact with his grandma Lucimar. She accepted our visit. We taught the first lesson to her and her 8 yr old Grandson, Anderson. She said that Sunday her and her husband were walking and wondering...of all these churches, which one is the true church? Tuesday they met us. She also told us about how she had a dream and saw one of the chapels with the plaque: A Igreja de Jesus Cristo dos Santos dos Últimos Dias a few months back. Even before she had heard or seen this church. She finally saw this exact chapel a few weeks ago, everywhere she walked and went she always tried to pay attention as not to miss it. Wow.
We taught her husband Cicero Sunday, he loved it and the whole family showed up to church, EARLY and by themselves. In sacrament S. Lima gave Anderson a notecard to draw on...sacrament was always difficult for me as a child...but instead of drawing he started to write. When he was done i read what that incredibly intelligent eight year old wrote. To sides of a notecard about the war in heaven and our relationship with God as his children and how Satan tried to take all the glory for himself and how Anderson wants to always be a child of God and not a bandito that follows satan. HE IS EIGHT YEARS OLD! The whole family loved it. Lucimar said that in all the churches she has visited, she has never felt such a peace. I am really excited to continue to work with this family! They are amazing!
This was an answer to a prayer. The Lord is merciful and loving with me. Even when I am not the perfect missionary that I must be, he lets me have these faith strengthening experiences.
Sunday Beto received the Aaronic Priesthood. Him and Katia are planning on going to do baptisms in the temple this weekend. A few weeks back 12 year old Oscar also received the Priesthood. It is such an amazing feeling to see the progress of my recent converts. Maybe I dont have much to do with that progress but I love seeing these miracles. Thayrone made a bunch of visits with us. He is amazing I hope to have half the faith that young man has someday. Cristiane is taking temple prep classes and Flavia and her whole family are going every week. I see a difference each week that the gospel brings to these families...I am one blessed missionary to be able to see these differences.
I read a lot about prayer this week. An opportunity to make our will the Lords will and how Nephi prayed continualmente for his people. I have been lovingly burned. I recognize that we must take advantage of that special time to pray each morning and night and make it a time where I really pour out my heart and change myself.

So My time is coming to an end here on the mission. I am aware of it, but it doesnt seem so real. I get excited to see you my beloved family, but my heart is very attached to this place, these people, and this culture. I love northeast brasil with all of my heart might mind and strength. i love my Heavenly Father for giving me this amazing opportunity to learn from them and to love them. I am a better person because of it. I love this opportunity to teach these people about the one thing that makes me a better person, the gospel of Christ, His life and His example.

Proud to wear the tag,

Sister Peterson

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