Thursday, October 29, 2009

Week 7

Remember how I met an apostle last week. Well I did and it was amazing. I had the opportunity to hear from Richard G Scott of the quorum of the twelve apostles and let me tell you, that man is amazing. His message was simple, but he delivered it with so much power.

One thing that stuck with me was that missionary work is hard work. If you don~t go to bed exhausted you aren~t working hard enough.

He shared his testimony of Jesus Christ. As i reflected onthe things he said, I thought deeply about the attributes of Christ, Charity specifically. Christ was so selfless in everything He did. His love for people is apparent, but how could i ever be like that. I thought about it, our thoughts lead to actions. Yes i want to be like Christ, I want to do the things that He did and the things that, as a representative of Christ He would want me to do, but more than that I want to think like He did. I~ve been studying a lot about his life in the New Testament and the lives of his apostles after his death. That selflessness that he showed throughout his life is mirrored in the lives of his apostles. I am learning so much. Read 1 Corinthians chapter 13. My favorite verses are 11-13. Im going to work this week on having Christlike charity it is just one of many attributes that I lack, but I know I can attain.

This week i feel like my mind has been opened. Sometimes i get very discouraged especially with the language. I was praying to be able to speak this language, but when it came to understanding someone i was lost. I started praying to understand what i hear and I am not exaggerating when I say that literally almost instantaneously my brain started picking up sentence patterns and ways of remembering what people were saying to me. I~m not fluent yet, and it still takes a few moments to respong, but that occurence was just one more witness of many that builds my faith that HF is listening. I might be struggling, but as I do my best, He wil make up the rest. It was probably your prayers too!

I~m still loving it here. I think i~m almost ready to leave the CTM. i have two more weeks after this and its bye bye toilets that i can flush toilet paper down, food prepared for me, people who wash my sheets for me, and comfortable weather. Oh a lot of you keep asking me if i~m dying of heat. NOT AT ALL. it is usually rainy at least 4 days of the week and let me tell you, Brazil knows how to rain. When it is sunny it is hot but not so hot that i want to die. that all will probably change in 2 weeks but i~m totally up for summer for the next 16 months of my life. I am a little bit missing Autumn though, it is my favorite time when the leaves turn red and the air smells crisp and leaves crunch underneath your foot. best feelings ever. Enjoy it for me please. Also HAPPY HALLOWEEN THIS WEEK!!!

On Friday we went out to clean the street in front of the CTM. Sis. Moyle and I talked to a Brazillian worker for about twenty minutes. We brought up the gospel and then he started saying something about mormons sleeping in Curitiba, my vocab is limited so we listened and tried to talk to him some more. It is so cool how people here don~t mind talking about religion. It seem like it is something most americans are afraid of, but it is awesome, most people will listen to what we say.

I am lucky, Brazillians love God and like Americans, it seems like there are a lot of missionaries who don~t have that. im one blessed sister.

proud to wear the tag

Sister J. Peterson

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